IC 434 (Horsehead Nebula in Orion)

Date: December, 2008
Location: Elizabeth, CO. ~6500 ft., Mag 5.5 skies
Telescopes: Luminance = 16" f/4.9 Newtonian, Pegasus Optics primary. Above image scale at 75%. Color = 6" f/6 Newtonian, Parks Optical primary
Mount: Mathis Instruments MI-500
Exposure: 135 mins Ha luminance ST-10XME, 90 mins RGB ST-2000XCM
Correctors, filters, etc.: Custom Scientific luminance filter in front of Lumicon Ha filter used on each ST-10 sub. Custom Scientific luminance filter in front of XCM. 16"/ST-10 AO-L guided w/ no mount bumps, 6"/2000XCM concurrently guided (6" controlled mount), color data acquired simultaneously with luminance
Seeing: ~3"
Comments: Processed using Maxim, CCDStack and PhotoPaint 12

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